FAQ: Managing ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users

Frequently asked questions from Company Users about managing ClientLink and TeamLink Contacts

What are ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Contacts?

Do I need to manually send project invitations to my clients/subs? 

My client/sub says they can't find their project invitation. How do I resend their project invitation emails?

I accidentally put in the wrong email when setting up my client or sub's account. How can I fix this? 

What is the difference between a Contact's Public and Private Details?

Can I change my client or sub's contact information?

Can I reset my client or sub's password?

Can I customize what my clients and subs are able to view and do in the Portal? 

How do I see what my client/sub sees?

I'm previewing the Portal, why can't I see [a specific ConstructionOnline feature, item, or functionality}?

Why can't my client/sub view photos in the Photostream?

Can I change my client or sub's notification settings?

I accidentally added my client as a TeamLink Contact. Can I convert it?

What support resources are available for my clients and subs with ConstructionOnline? 

What should I do if I still have questions about managing my company's ClientLink/TeamLink Users?

What are ClientLink and TeamLink Contacts?

A part of ConstructionOnline's award-winning construction CRM software, ClientLink and TeamLink Contacts are a revolutionary new way for construction companies to keep their clients, subs, and other project team members up-to-date on their construction projects. 

ClientLink Contacts are generally construction clients, developers, investors, owners, or any other third party contacts who have been involved in contracting the construction work for completion. Within the Portal, they can view the latest updates on their project, approve change orders, make selections decisions, view project photos, communicate directly with you as their builder, and more.

TeamLink Contacts are generally subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, or other contacts who have a responsibility or relationship to one or more of the company's projects. Within the Portal, they can stay informed on—and in some cases contribute to—project updates, schedules, to dos, punch lists, logs, calendars, files, photos, and more. 

To gain access to the Portal, ClientLink and TeamLink members must be invited to the Project and log in with their ClientLink/TeamLink account.

Do I need to manually send project invitations to my clients/subs? 

No! When you set your Project's Status to "Live" in ConstructionOnline, project invitation emails will be sent to ClientLink/TeamLink Users assigned to the Project automatically. 

More information on Project Status can be found here

My client/sub says they can't find their project invitation. How do I resend their project invitation emails?

If your client or sub is unable to find their project invitation, we recommend, first, ensuring their Project has a "Live" Status in ConstructionOnline and verifying they have been added to the Project Team. If both of these have been done, we recommend you suggest your client/sub check their email's spam or junk folders—sometimes project invitations can end up there.

If they are still unable to find their project invitation after these steps have been completed, you can easily send a new copy of the email invitation following the steps detailed in this article

I accidentally put in the wrong email when setting up my client or sub's account. How can I fix this? 

No worries! If you've mis-entered the email for your client or sub when setting up their Contact, there are a couple ways you can correct it - 

  • Delete the existing ClientLink/TeamLink Contact and re-create a new one with the correct information. Once you've re-created the Contact, you can add it back to the ConstructionOnline Project, and a new project invitation email will be sent. 
  • Contact our support staff who can assist you in resolving this issue. 

What is the difference between a Contact's Public and Private Details?

Public Details contain account information that is publicly visible on ConstructionOnline. Public Details can only be edited by the Contact once their account is activated—giving each Contact control over how their account is displayed in the system to other ConstructionOnline Users. Public Details must contain a Contact's First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.

⭐ The email address listed in the Contact's Public Details is the email used to login to their ConstructionOnline account. 

Private Details contain contact information only visible to you and your Company Employees. Private Details are designed to allow you to customize how a Contact is displayed without impacting information that is a part of their ConstructionOnline Account. All Company Employees can view & edit a Contact's Private Details. Private Details must contain a Contact's First Name, Last Name, Display Name, and Email Address.

⭐ Correspondence from Company Employees and project-related notifications are sent to the email address listed within the Contact's Private Details. 

More information on Public and Private Details can be found here

Can I change my client or sub's contact information?

Yes! You can change your ClientLink or TeamLink's Contact information by editing their Contact's Private Details. The email address listed in the Contact's Private Details is where all correspondences from Company Employees and project-related notifications are sent. 

Can I reset my client or sub's password?

No. ClientLink and TeamLink Users must reset their password themselves. You can refer your ClientLink Users to the FAQ for ClientLink Users which will walk them through the steps for resetting their password. Similarly, you can refer your TeamLink Users to the FAQ for TeamLink Users for the steps to reset their password, alongside other valuable information! 

Can I customize what my clients and subs are able to view and do in the Portal? 

Yes! ConstructionOnline provides construction companies with the unique ability to customize the project elements available for access through the Portal in order to define the engagement you anticipate having with your clients and team through ConstructionOnline. 

ConstructionOnline Company Administrators and Non-Admin Company Users (with permission to "adjust what ClientLink and TeamLink users are able to see in their projects") can edit ClientLink and TeamLink permissions. Additionally, please keep in mind that ClientLink permissions and TeamLink permissions apply globally. This means that ClientLink User A will have the same permissions as ClientLink User B while TeamLink User C will have the same permissions as TeamLink User D.

For more in-depth information on the ClientLink and TeamLink permissions available to be customized, visit the Understanding ClientLink™/TeamLink™ Permissions article. 

For step-by-step instructions regarding the management of these permissions, visit the Manage ClientLink™ and/or TeamLink™ Permissions article. 

How do I see what my client/sub sees?

You can view what your ClientLink and TeamLink Users are able to see by previewing the Portal. The Preview Portal option can be accessed from the Company Dropdown menu or by right-clicking on the ClientLink/TeamLink Contact when managing your Project Team or viewing your Company Contacts. 

Step-by-step instructions for previewing the Portal can be found here

I'm previewing the Portal, why can't I see [a specific ConstructionOnline feature, item, or functionality}?

There are a couple of reasons why you may not be able to see a specific feature, item, or functionality within the Portal - 

  • The ClientLink/TeamLink User doesn't have access to it - The most common reason you may not be able to see what you're looking for in the Portal is due to the permissions you've set for your ClientLink or TeamLink Users. If you believe this is an error, double-check your ClientLink or TeamLink permissions and adjust as needed. 
  • The feature isn't available in the Portal - Certain ConstructionOnline features, (like OnCost™ Estimating) and functionalities (like editing OnPlan™ Schedules) are not available in the Portal. 

Why can't my client/sub view photos in the Photostream?

There are a couple of reasons why your client/sub may not be able to view photos in the Photostream. First, ensure you have Files and Photos permissions engaged for your ClientLink and/or TeamLink Users. Next, verify you've shared or copied the desired Photo Album or Folder with them.

⭐ Albums or Folders that have been shared with ClientLink/TeamLink Users will instantly update in the Portal if any changes are made in ConstructionOnline. 

⭐ Albums or Folders that have been copied to ClientLink/TeamLink Files/Albums are a one-time copy of the Album/Folder and its contents. Any additional changes made in ConstructionOnline will not be reflected in the Portal.  

Step-by-step instructions on sharing Albums/Folders to the Portal can be found here. Step-by-step instruction on copying Albums/Folders to the Portal can be found here

Can I change my client or sub's notification settings?

No. ClientLink and TeamLink Users control their notification settings within the Portal. If one of your clients or subs is having trouble editing their notification settings, you can direct them to this resource: Edit Your Notification Settings in the Portal

I accidentally added my client as a TeamLink Contact. Can I convert it?

Yes! Converting Contacts in ConstructionOnline is very simple. Within your Contacts list, right-click on the Contact you wish to convert and choose the "Convert to [New Contact Type]" option from the dropdown menu. 

ClientLink Contacts can be converted to Leads or to TeamLink Contacts. TeamLink Contacts can only be converted to a ClientLink Contact. 

What support resources are available for my clients and subs with ConstructionOnline? 

ClientLink and TeamLink Users have access to the same award-winning support and training resources Company Users do! Our comprehensive Knowledge Base has specific sections for both users types, complete with ClientLink and TeamLink FAQs that address the most common questions we receive from clients, subs, and other project team members. Additionally, ClientLink and TeamLink Users can contact our support staff using one of the following methods: 

  • Click the orange Chat icon in the bottom left corner of the Portal
  • Call 800.700.8321 
  • Email support@uda1.com

What should I do if I still have questions about managing my company's ClientLink/TeamLink Users? 

If you have additional questions not answered in the ConstructionOnline Knowledge Base, or would like to chat with one of our award-winning support staff members, contact us using one of the following methods:  

  • Click the orange Chat icon in the bottom left corner of the Portal
  • Call 800.700.8321 
  • Email support@uda1.com

Our U.S.-based Support Team is ready to take your chats, calls, and emails any time between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET.