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Understanding Profile Settings
Manage personal information for your ConstructionOnline account.
Profile Settings control personal, user-specific information for Company Employees— namely, account details, display preferences, and cloud integrations.
Almost all settings found in Profile Settings are only editable by the individual user. For example, a Company Admin User cannot set a Message Signature for another Company Employee. To access Profile Settings, Company Employees must locate the Company Dropdown Menu and select Edit Profile.
Profile Settings is divided into five main sections: General Info, Contact Info, Password, Display, and Integrations.
General Info
General Info consists of three smaller sections: Name & Address, Date/Time, and Message Signature. Here, Company Employees can edit the name & address associated with their ConstructionOnline account and update relevant company information. Company Employees can also set the time zone for their account and customize the appearance of their date & time format. Finally, Company Employees can set a personalized Message Signature that will appear on the bottom of every message or reply they send within ConstructionOnline.
Contact Info
Contact Info contains the contact information for a Company Employee. The contact information entered here will also appear under a Company Employee's Public Contact Details, which is visible to other ConstructionOnline users. The email address listed in Contact Info is the username for a Company Employee's ConstructionOnline account. Additionally, Company Employees can set a default signature that can be used whenever signing Punch Lists, Checklists, Reports, or Documents in ConstructionOnline.
Password allows Company Employees to easily change their ConstructionOnline password. If a Company Employee has forgotten their password, they can use the "Forgot Your Password?" button to send a password recovery email to the email address associated with their ConstructionOnline account. If a Company Employee does not remember their password and cannot log into ConstructionOnline, a Company Admin User can reset their password for them.
Display determines how ConstructionOnline appears to each individual user. Company Employees can add a custom Avatar, choose between light & dark mode, and select a personalized theme & background image. ConstructionOnline provides many pre-set options as well as the flexibility to upload personalized images and create custom themes.
Integrations manage a Company Employee's cloud integrations, controlling which cloud-based file storage and calendar solutions are connected to their ConstructionOnline account. ConstructionOnline can connect to existing Dropbox, Google, Microsoft 365, or box accounts.
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