Account Settings

Change your Email Address

Edit the Email Address associated with your ConstructionOnline Account.


To change the Email Address associated with your ConstructionOnline Account.


Account Settings in ConstructionOnline is the home of your Contact Information, Password, Date & Time Settings, Display Settings, and more. These settings can be edited at any time from the Company Dropdown Menu, located in the top right corner of ConstructionOnline. 


  • The email address associated with your ConstructionOnline Account is also the username you use to log into ConstructionOnline. Changing your email address will also change your username.
  • Every ConstructionOnline user must have a unique email address. A warning will populate if you try to use an email that is already associated with another ConstructionOnline account.
  • Your email address also appears under your Public Contact Details, which is visible to other Company Employees.
  • Changes to a user's Public Details—like their email address— can only be executed by the individual user. 
    • For example, a Company Admin User cannot change the email address of a Company Employee.

To learn more about the difference between Public and Private Details, view Public vs. Private Contact Details.


  1. Locate the Company Dropdown Menu found in the top right corner of ConstructionOnline.
  2. Under Account Settings, click on Edit Profile.
  3. After the Profile Settings window opens, select the Contact Info tab.
  4. Enter your new email address in the Email field.
  5. Click the blue Save button to finalize your change. 

Are you a client, vendor, or subcontractor using ConstructionOnline? Learn how to Change your Email Address as a ClientLink or TeamLink User.


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