Project Tracking Reports: Daily Logs

Create a Visitor Log Report

Automatically generate a comprehensive report of any guest visits to project jobsites with ConstructionOnline's Daily Logging reports


As a part of the industry-leading construction management software—ConstructionOnline™—construction companies are provided with the tools needed to track, store, and organize important construction daily logs. In addition to being able to create nine different specialized daily logs, construction companies can use the information stored within their construction daily logs to generate comprehensive, professional reports. With the Visitor Log Report, ConstructionOnline™ Company Users can build a customized report detailing visitor visits to project jobsites that include total time on site, notes about the purpose of the visit, cost impact, and more. 

This article contains the following sections: 

1. Step-by-step instructions 

2. Additional information


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Project Tracking tab and choose the Project Tracking Reports category. 
  3. Hover over the Visitor Log Report and click the blue "Create" button to begin creating your report. 

  4. Within the Visitor Log Report window, choose from the following details to customize your report: 
    1. Within the Details tab: 
      1. Select Project
        1. Choose the Project you would like to generate the Visitor Log Report from.
          1. The current Project is selected by default. 
          2. Use the dropdown menu to select any other individual ConstructionOnline™ Project or to create a report for "All Projects". 
          3. Projects appear in alphabetical order within the dropdown menu. 

        2. Select day or date range to generate report for
          1. To select a specific day or date range you can either:
            1. Select one of the predefined Date Ranges from the Date Range dropdown menu. 

              ♦ Note: Selecting a Date Range will automatically populate the respective dates within the Start Date & End Date fields below.

            2. OR Choose the "Custom" option from the Date Range dropdown menu and select a custom date range by either typing the desired dates into the Start Date and End Date fields or selecting the desired dates from the calendars that appear when clicking into the Start Date & End Date fields. 

              Note: Dates selected from the calendars will automatically populate to the Start Date and End Date fields. 

      2. Filter report by 
        1. Related Contact: Choose to filter the Visitor Log Report by clicking into the Related Contact field and either typing the Contact name or choosing the Contact name from the dropdown menu.
          1. Related Contacts must be attached to the Visitor Log(s) when created.
          2. Visitor Log Reports can only be filtered by one Related Contact. 
          3. The current user appears within the dropdown list first, followed by all Company Contacts organized in alphabetical order.
        2. Log Creator: Choose to filter the Visitor Log Report by clicking into the Log Creator field and either typing the Contact name or choosing the Contact name from the dropdown menu.
          1. Visitor Log Reports can only be filtered by one Log Creator. 
          2. The current user appears within the dropdown list first, followed by all Company Contacts organized in alphabetical order.
      3. Report Options:
        1. Choose from other customization options by selecting or deselecting the ☑️ check mark beside the report option. Other Visitor Log Report Options include: 

          ☑️ Show weather tracking

          ◻️ Print each day on a separate page

          ☑️ Include attachment previews

    2. Within the Header & Footer tab:
      1. Default Header & Footer Settings will apply for companies with Pro or Team Plans. 
      2. Companies with Business or Enterprise Plans can choose to apply custom Header & Footer sets to the document.
        1. Headers & Footers are managed at the Company level. 
        2. To manage Header & Footer sets, click on the Manage Header & Footer Sets hyperlinked text. 
  5. Finalize the details of your Visitor Log Report by clicking the blue "Create" button. 
    1. The Visitor Log Report will open in a new browser tab for you to Share (via email), Save (to ConstructionOnline Files), Download (as PDF), Edit (in built-in text editor), or Print.


  • Visitor Log Reports can only be created from "Active" ConstructionOnline™ Projects. 
    • If the Project you are attempting to generate a report from is "Archived," you can easily activate it to restore access to Project Files and details. 
  • Permissions: ConstructionOnline™ Company Users with Daily Logging permissions set to "Can Create, Edit, & Delete" can create Daily Log reports, including the Visitor Log Report. 
    • ConstructionOnline™ Company Users with Daily Logging permissions set to "Cannot View" do not have access to Daily Logs or Daily Log Reports. 
    • ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users cannot generate Daily Log Reports.
  • Mobile App: ConstructionOnline™  Reports, including Visitor Log Reports, cannot be created using the CO™ Mobile App. Creation of reports & documents is exclusively accessible via browser access to ConstructionOnline™ . 
    • Visitor Log Reports, as well as other reports & documents, are otherwise accessible for viewing, sharing, and/or downloading using the CO™ Mobile App. 


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding Daily Logs can be found in the FAQ: Daily Logs article. 
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.