To Do Lists

Managing To Dos via List View

Discover how easy it is to utilize ConstructionOnline's spreadsheet-style List View

List View for ConstructionOnline™ To Do Lists serves as the default view for managing your To Dos, offering a next-generation dynamic table that allows you to easily view, organize, and update your construction tasks. Boasting a familiar spreadsheet format, List View provides unparalleled flexibility and control for managing tasks with features like inline editing, sortable and adjustable column controls, interactive cell elements, and more. 

To ensure that each member of your project team can customize their task management experience to meet their specific needs, any styling and formatting changes made in ConstructionOnline To Do Lists are user-specific. This means any changes to the way task data is displayed or organized will only be reflected for the user making the customizations. But, while each user's interface may appear different due to their personal customizations, it's important to note that this does not alter the underlying data. Because List View is built on a dynamic table, any user interactions or data changes made to tasks are reflected in real-time, so you can rest assured you and your team are always getting the most up-to-date information. 

With an emphasis on comprehensive yet customizable data display, List View offers a powerful and intuitive interface for efficient task management including the following capabilities - 

✔️Better Visibility on Construction Data 

List View's spreadsheet-style dynamic table offers ultimate visibility by providing easy navigation and access to data alongside interactive cells like the Traffic Light & Tags; visual indicators like the overdue flag; and cutting-edge sort and filter options. 


✔️Effortless Inline Editing

With inline editing capabilities, users can update task details directly within table cells, making it quick & easy to make changes without the hassle of moving between separate editing screens. And, with efficient keyboard shortcuts, users can navigate through the table seamlessly, creating and modifying content with unprecedented speed and ease. 


✔️Insightful Metadata Fields 

With metadata fields like Created By, Date Created, Date Completed, and Last Modified providing additional information and context to each task, companies are empowered to build more effective workflows that track project progress.


✔️Comprehensive Levels of Detail 

Improve task organization and delegation by adding multiple levels of detail to your To Dos via Subtasks


✔️User-Friendly Blade Extension

Need a change of scenery? ConstructionOnline's advanced blade extension for List View provides further editing and customization capabilities without forcing you to navigate away from your task list.


✔️Seamless Vertical Organization

Customize a clear and structured workflow with the ability to drag-and-drop tasks vertically on the table. 


✔️Convenient Bulk Actions

Streamline task management and save valuable time by simultaneously editing or deleting tasks with efficient bulk actions. Bulk actions can be performed on tasks by holding down the Ctrl or Command key on your device and selecting the desired tasks. Once you have selected the tasks, options will appear to "Edit" or "Delete".


✔️Flexible Column Controls 

Designed to give construction companies the utmost control over their task management, ConstructionOnline's List View provides multiple ways you can personalize your dynamic table including - 

Sortable Columns

Easily sort and find information in chronological, ascending, or descending order with sortable columns. 

Adjustable Column Width 

Modify the width of each column by dragging the boundary on the right side of the desired column until the column fits your viewing preference!

Secure Column Locks  

Ensure key information remains visible while navigating through the table with column locks.

Custom Column Order

Display the information important to you by easily reordering columns and/or choosing specific columns to show or hide from view.

Color Code Columns

Visually distinguish different types of information or highlight the data most important to you by color coding columns.


Keyboard Shortcuts
Action Windows macOS
Create new task or subtask  ↵ Return ↵ Return
Create new task above current task ⇧ ↵ Return ⇧ ↵ Return
Change selected task ↑ / ↓ ↑ / ↓
Move across fields horizontally Tab Tab
Multi-select individual tasks Ctrl-Click ⌘-Click
Separate Subject and Description  Hyphen or Alt-Hyphen Hyphen or Option-Hyphen


💡Discover the perfect fit for your construction task management needs by exploring our other Knowledge Base resources on To Do Views: 


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding To Dos can be found in the FAQ: To Dos article. 
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.