To Do Lists

Understanding To Do Views

Discover the three different easy-to-use interfaces you can manage construction tasks from in ConstructionOnline™

Everyone likes to organize their work differently—some like to make bulleted lists, others like spreadsheet tables where they can see all their data, some even prefer sticky notes that can be organized by color or moved through different sections. Because we understand each individual on your project team might organize their construction task lists in different ways, ConstructionOnline provides three different, customizable ways—List View, Group By View, and Board View—to view and manage your To Dos Lists in the industry's leading construction management software.

This article is designed to give you an overview of each To Do View as well as cover what features you can access from all three views. The article is organized into the following sections -

  1. Brief breakdown of List View, Group By View, and Board View
  2. Steps for navigating between views
  3. Instructions for entering/exiting Full-Screen Mode
  4. Details about Search bar functionality in ConstructionOnline To Dos Lists
  5. Overview of available Filter options available for To Dos
  6. Instructions for hiding "Completed" To Dos
  7. Information on utilizing the interactive To Do Timeframes Dashboard
  8. Additional information

We highly recommend exploring the individual articles dedicated to managing To Dos from each interface that are linked at the end of each view breakdown. These articles offer valuable information and insight into the features available in each view, empowering you to optimize your ConstructionOnline task management experience. 

✔️The List View 

List View is the default interface for managing To Dos Lists in ConstructionOnline. Built on a next-generation dynamic table, List View offers a spreadsheet-style format for easy viewing, organizing, and updating of your construction task lists. With features like inline editing, sortable columns and rows, interactive cell elements, and endless table styling options, List View provides the most comprehensive view of your data with unparalleled flexibility and control. To learn more details on managing your To Dos in List View, visit this article


✔️The Group By View 

Exclusive to ConstructionOnline, the Group By View amplifies the capabilities of List View by allowing you to group construction tasks into tables by column header. Group By offers the same dynamic table and functions available in List View but with the added ability to visualize the status of your tasks, identify trends, determine cost impact, and more from your grouped To Dos. To explore how to utilize ConstructionOnline's Group By View, built specifically for construction pros, visit this article.  


✔️The Board View 

Inspired by the Kanban visual framework, Board View mimics sticky notes posted in your office's conference room, allowing you to create and manage tasks between different columns, categories, or stages, or manage them from independent columns tailored to your workflow. This visual, interactive way to organize and oversee your construction to dos offers you the same functionality as List View, but with To Dos displayed on "cards" that can be organized and customized however you'd like! To learn more about managing your To Dos in Board View, visit this article


✔️Navigating Between Views

ConstructionOnline makes maneuvering between List, Group By, and Board Views effortless. Simply click the View icon you wish to navigate to in the top right-hand corner of the To Dos pane to switch between interfaces! 


✔️Go Full-Screen!

Need more visibility on your tasks? Full-Screen Mode temporarily collapses surrounding account navigational features like the Left Sidebar, the Company Overview Feature Tabs, and the Project Tracking Categories menu to give you a clearer view of your To Dos. Simply click the Full-Screen icon in the top right-hand corner of the To Dos pane from any view for larger access to your tasks. The same icon can be clicked to exit Full-Screen mode.


✔️Search Efficiently 

As seen across the ConstructionOnline platform, the Search bar positioned at the top of the To Dos pane in each view allows users to search and retrieve specific task information, enhancing productivity and organization. Simply type the task information you are looking for into the Search bar and ConstructionOnline will update the interface to fit your inquiry. To define your search even further, use the dropdown menu to search To Dos by Subject, Description, Assigned Resource, or Related Resource.


✔️Multi-Filter Tasks 

Another way you can quickly distill and locate specific tasks is by applying one or multiple Filters to your tasks. ConstructionOnline To Dos can be filtered in any view by Date, Assigned Resource, Priority, Type, Category, Stage, Trade, Tags, Traffic, and/or Cost Code.


✔️Hide What's Been Completed

To Dos that have been marked as "Complete" can be removed from any view, at any time, by marking the checkbox next to ☑️ Hide Completed To Dos, minimizing visual distractions to enhance concentration. 


✔️Interactive Dashboard

Anchored at the top of each view, the To Do Timeframes Dashboard not only gives you a visual representation of where your tasks stand, but also allows you to filter your tasks by different criteria such as Overdue, Upcoming, or Completed To Dos, or those with no Due Dates set. Additionally, Company Employees can manage the parameters that determine which To Dos are included in dashboard views via customizable Timeframe Settings. The Timeframe Settings can be accessed by clicking the gear icon ⚙️ in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard.



  • To Dos can be created at the Company or Project level. Step-by-step instructions for creating Company To Dos can be found in this FAQ!
  • Styling and formatting changes made to ConstructionOnline To Do List interfaces are user-specific, allowing you and your team members to tailor your task management experience.
    • However, while any organizational, styling, and formatting customizations only reflect for each user, it's important to note that the underlying data remains unaltered and always displays in real-time, ensuring you and your team are always getting the most up-to-date information. 
  • Permissions: ConstructionOnline Company Users with To Do List permissions set to "Can View" or "Can Create, Edit, & Delete" can view To Dos from all three interfaces. 
  • ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Access: In addition to global ClientLink/TeamLink permissions for To Do Lists, ClientLink and TeamLink Users must also be added as an Assigned or Related Resource in order to have access to the To Do Lists feature. 


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding To Dos can be found in the FAQ: To Dos article. 
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.