Punch Lists

Filter Punch List Items

Easily organize & manage task lists with ConstructionOnline's Punch List Filters


Within the industry-leading software for construction punch lists, project task lists can be easily created, managed, and stored in a single, secure location: ConstructionOnline™.

Once stored in ConstructionOnline™, the information related to construction punch lists is easily accessible through Filters. ConstructionOnline™ offers users six Filter options they can use to quickly find, organize, and manage their tasks according to Due Date, Assigned Resource, Priority, Status, Trade, and/or Cost Code. 

This article contains the following sections:

  1. Step-by-step instructions
  2. Video walkthrough
  3. Additional information


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Project Tracking tab and choose the Punch Lists category.
  3. Click on the desired Punch List to open it.
    1. If the list is stored within a Folder, drill down to the specific list by clicking on & opening the relevant Folder(s). 
  4. Within the Punch Lists view, expand the Filters widget by clicking the gray arrow next to the word "Filters".
    1. The Filters widget is located directly beneath the green (+) Add New Item button. 
  5. Choose your desired Filters from the respective dropdown menus:
    1. Due Date: Filters Items by due date
      1. ConstructionOnline™ filters Due Dates to include "All" Punch List Items by default.
      2. To select a specific date or date range you can either click into the Due Date field and: 
        1. Select one of the preloaded Date Ranges from the Date Range dropdown menu. 0Preloaded options include: Custom, Today, Yesterday, Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, This Month, Last Month, Last Year, Year to Date, and All. 


        2. Choose the "Custom" option from the Date Range dropdown menu and select a custom date range by either typing the desired dates into the Start Date and End Date fields or selecting the desired dates from the calendars below.
          1. Dates selected from the calendars will automatically populate to the Start Date and End Date fields. 
      3. Finalize your Date or Date Range by clicking the blue "Apply" button. 
    2. Assigned Resource: Filters Items by the Resource assigned to Punch List Items
      1. ConstructionOnline™ filters Items to include "All" Assigned Resources by default.
      2. Select one Assigned Resource to filter Items by from the dropdown list of Company Contacts. 
        1. All Company Contacts appear within the Assigned Resource dropdown list with the current user appearing first and all other users appearing in alphabetical order subsequently. 
    3. Priority: Filters Items by their assigned Priority level 
      1. ConstructionOnline™ filters Items to include "All" Priority levels by default. 
      2. Choose to filter Items by the following Priority levels: All, None, Low, Medium, or High.
    4. Status: Filters Items by their assigned Status 
      1. ConstructionOnline™ filters Items to include "All" Statuses by default.
      2. Select one Status unit to filter Items by from the dropdown list. 
        1. All Status Units—both preloaded and custom—from the Status list populate in the dropdown list.
        2. Status Units can be managed from multiple features within ConstructionOnline™.
    5. Trade: Filters Items by the Trade associated with the Item
      1. ConstructionOnline™ filters Items to include "All" Trades by default.
      2. Select one Trade to filter Items by from the dropdown list. 
        1. All Trade Units—both preloaded and custom—from the Trades list populate in the dropdown list.
        2. Trade Units can be managed from multiple features within ConstructionOnline™.
    6. Cost Code: Filters Items by the Cost Code attached to the Item 
      1. If Cost Codes have been assigned to the Project, you can type the desired Cost Code(s) into the Cost Code field and select them from the dropdown menu to add as a Filter. 
      2. A "Cost codes are not assigned to this project" message will appear within the Cost Code field if Cost Codes have not been assigned to the Project. 
        1. Cost Codes can be assigned through the Project Details modal.
  6. Filters are applied automatically to the Punch List as selected. 
    1. Applied Filters will appear as tags next to the "Filters" heading within the Filters widget. 
      1. To clear individual Filters, click the "X" next to the Filter you wish to remove. 
      2. To clear ALL Filters, click the red "X Clear Filters" button at the top righthand of the widget. 
  7. Click the gray arrow next to the word "Filters" to hide the Filters widget once your choices have been finalized. 

Want to streamline your list to outstanding tasks only? Learn more about Hiding Completed Punch List Items & Item Issues here


Please Note: This video tutorial shows how to filter Items by Due Date and Priority. See the step-by-step instructions above for more information on the six Filter options available to you.


  • Filters are user-specific and persist when navigating away from the Punch Lists feature. 
  • Permissions: Any ConstructionOnline™ Company User with Punch List permissions set to "Can View" or "Can Create, Edit, or Delete" can access Punch List Filter options.
    • ClientLink™ Users with Punch List permissions enabled can access all Punch List Filter options except the Cost Code filter. 
    • TeamLink™ Users with Punch List permissions enabled can access all Punch List Filter options except the Cost Code filter. 
  • Mobile App: Punch List Filter options are exclusively available through browser access to ConstructionOnline™. 


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding Punch Lists can be found in the FAQ: Punch Lists article. 
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.