Punch Lists

Sign a Punch List

Add an electronic signature to sign off on a completed construction punch list in ConstructionOnline™


With industry-leading tools for project tracking, ConstructionOnline™ provides construction companies with the ability to build and manage detailed construction Punch Lists for each construction project. When all Items on a Punch List have been resolved, ConstructionOnline Company Users can electronically sign off on the Punch List by adding their signature directly in ConstructionOnline. Company Users can also electronically sign Punch Lists using the CO™ Mobile App––providing seamless access & entry from the office or job site. 

This article contains the following sections:

  1. Video walkthrough
  2. Step-by-step instructions
  3. Additional information





  1. Navigate to the desired Project using the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Project Tracking tab, then choose the Punch Lists category. 
  3. Locate the specific Punch List, then click on the Punch List to open it.
    1. If the Punch List is stored within a Folder, drill down to the specific Punch List by clicking on & opening the relevant Folder(s). 
  4. Scroll down to the very bottom of the Punch List to locate the Signatures pane.
  5. Click the red "Click to Sign" tag.
    click to sign tag
    1. If the Punch List has already been signed, click the red "Add Another Signature" tag to add another signature. 
  6. In the Enter Signature window, draw a new signature OR import an existing signature.
    1. OPTION 1: In the signature box, use your cursor (or finger if using a touch screen device) to draw your signature. 
      1. If you are not satisfied with the signature, click the Clear Signature button to remove the signature and try again. 
    2. OPTION 2: Click the Import Signature button to instantly add your default signature. Please note that this option is only available for those who have already set a default signature for their ConstructionOnline Account. 
  7. In the provided text box, enter your desired signature label.
    1. All new signatures are automatically labeled as "Signature" but this can be customized to be any piece of text, such as your name.
    2. The signature label will appear directly underneath your digital signature. 
  8. Click the blue Save button to finish signing the punch list with your electronic signature.  
    1. ConstructionOnline will automatically record the date and time of your signature, as seen below: 
sample signature


  • To delete a signature, hover over the signature and click on the grey three-dot menu that appears. Then, select the option Delete Signature
    • All Company Users can delete their own uploaded signatures, but only Company Admin Users can delete signatures from other users.
  • Permissions: Company Users must have Punch List permissions set as "Can Create, Edit, & Delete" to sign a Punch List. 
  • ClientLink/TeamLink Access: ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users cannot electronically sign Punch Lists directly in ConstructionOnline.
  • To physically sign a paper copy of a Punch List, Company Users can select the option "Include blank signature lines" when printing the Punch List. The Punch List can then be printed out as a paper copy or shared as a pdf & imported to a third-party electronic signature software. 
  • Mobile App: Punch Lists can also be digitally signed using the CO™ Mobile App.


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding Punch Lists can be found in the FAQ: Punch Lists article. 
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.