
Share a Checklist

Email a copy of a construction checklist to other project team members, clients, or subcontractors


Within the industry's leading construction management software, project task lists can be easily created, managed, and stored in a single, secure location: ConstructionOnline™.

While project team members, subcontractors, or even clients can be directly added as resources to checklists––providing them easy access the list or assigned item(s) in their respective ConstructionOnline™ accounts––ConstructionOnline™ also provides an option to distribute project checklists via email.

Sharing a construction checklist sends an email containing the entire task list to the intended recipient(s), and the list can then be viewed or printed out at a later time.

This article contains the following sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Step-by-step instructions
  3. Video walkthrough
  4. Additional information


  • The intended recipient(s) of the Checklist must be added as Contacts in ConstructionOnline™ before the list can be sent via email. 


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Project Tracking tab, then choose the Checklists category. 
  3. Right-click on the specific Checklist you wish to share, then select the "Share Checklist" option from the dropdown menu. 
    1. If the Checklist is stored within a Folder, drill down to the specific list by clicking on & opening the relevant Folder(s).
  4. Within the Share Checklist window, choose from the following details to customize how the Checklist is sent.
    1. Recipients: Select which ConstructionOnline™ User(s) you would like to send the Checklist to
      1. *This is a required field
    2. Filter the Checklist by:
      1. Resource: Choose which ConstructionOnline™ User you would like to sort the Checklist by
        1. Only one Resource can be selected at a time
    3. Choose what Items to include in the Checklist: Using the provided dropdown menus, select which Items should be included on the shared Checklist
      1. Item Priority: Only include Items that are a specific Priority
        1. Options include: Show All, None, Low, Medium, and High
        2. "Show All" is selected by default
      2. Item Status: Only include Items that have a specific Status
        1. Options include: Show All, None, In Dispute, Work Completed, Closed, Ready, Open, and any Custom Status Units
        2. "Show All" is selected by default.
      3. Completed vs Incomplete: Only include Items that fall under a specific completion level
        1. Options include: Incomplete Items & Incomplete Issues, Incomplete Items & All Issues, Completed Issues, and Completed & Incomplete Issues
        2. "Completed & Incomplete Issues" is selected by default
    4. Additional Options
      1. Choose from other customization options by selecting or deselecting the ☑️ check mark beside the corresponding option. Options include:

        ☑️ Include Signature Lines: Adds two blank signature lines to the bottom of the shared Checklist
        ☑️ Include Project Information: Displays the Project Address and Client on the shared Checklist
  5. Finalize sharing the Checklist by clicking the blue "Send" button to deliver the Checklist to the selected recipients. 
    1. A pop-up message will appear, notifying you that the email(s) have been sent. 



  • Only one Checklist can be shared at a time.
  • Permissions: ConstructionOnline™ Company Users must have Checklists permissions set as "Can View" or "Can Create, Edit, and Delete" to share a Checklist via email. 
    • ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users cannot share Checklists via email; however, depending on their Checklists permissions and Assigned Roles, they may be able to:
      • See Checklists they're assigned a Viewer on
      • Make changes to Checklists they're assigned an Editor on
      • Make changes to Checklist Items they're an Assigned Resource on
  • Mobile App: Checklists can also be shared from the CO™ Mobile App. 


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding Checklists can be found in the FAQ: Checklists article. 
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.