Creating Client Selections

Set the Order of Categories

Organize new home selections by Category to increase flexibility using ConstructionOnline™


ConstructionOnline's easy-to-use Client Selections feature automates the home selections process so that construction companies can experience quicker, more profitable projects. Within the intuitive online interface of ConstructionOnline's Client Selections, Company Users can efficiently build accessible selection sheets for client projects, complete with sensible organizational functions, such as the customizable order in which Categories, Selections, and Choices appear. 


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Click the Financials tab and choose the Client Selections category.
  3. Scroll to the Selections pane, click the gray three-dot Actions Menu in the top right hand corner, and select the Set Order option. 

  4. Within the Set Order window, ensure that you are in the Categories tab.

    1. Using the Drag & Drop function, arrange the Categories as desired. 
    2. To finalize the Category Order and update Selections, click the blue "Save" button. 


    • Permissions: Only ConstructionOnline™ Company Users with “Can Create, Edit, & Delete” permissions for Client Selections can set the order of Categories.
      • ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users cannot set the order of Categories for Client Selections, however they may have permission to view, approve, or even create Selection Choices. 
        • Depending upon the Company’s ClientLink™ Settings, ClientLink™ Users may be able to:
          • View Selections and choose from those displayed
          • Create Selection Choices
        • Depending upon the Company’s TeamLink™ Settings, TeamLink™ Users may be able to:
          • Access Selections where they are listed as a Recommended Vendor and/or additional available Selections
          • Receive Selection email notifications
    • Mobile App: The order of Client Selection Categories cannot be set within the ConstructionOnline™ Mobile App.


    • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Client Selections can be found in the article FAQ: Client Selections
    • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.