Punch Lists

Duplicate Punch List Items and Item Issues

Save time & improve efficiency by using ConstructionOnline's easy shortcuts for replicating Punch List Items and Issues


A part of ConstructionOnline’s impressive project tracking software, Punch Lists help to ensure quality completion and attention to detail on any construction job.

Oftentimes, the tasks & sub-tasks included on construction punch lists are standardized, repetitive, or simply similar in scope. Because of this, ConstructionOnline™ provides user-friendly options for duplicating Punch List Items, Item Issues, and Attachments to streamline project tracking and help construction teams work smarter, not harder.  

This article contains the following sections: 

  1. Step-by-step instructions 
  2. Best use recommendations
  3. Video walkthrough
  4. Additional information


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Project Tracking tab and choose the Punch Lists category.
  3. Select the desired Punch List to open it.
    1. If the list is stored within a Folder, drill down to the specific list by clicking on & opening the relevant Folder(s). 
  4. Within the desired list, right-click on the Item you wish to replicate and click “Duplicate” from the dropdown menu.
  5. From the Duplicate Punch List Item window, update any Item Details, Issues, or Attachments that may need to be different on the duplicated Item with consideration to the following conditions: 
    1. Within the Details section: 
      1. The Item Name/Description will populate exactly the same as the original Item by default.
      2. The Item Creator remains the same and cannot be modified. 
      3. The Item No. will be the next sequential number that should occur on the list.
      4. The Due Date remains the same if the Due Date falls after the current date.
      5. The following fields carry over from the original Item, but are modifiable: Room/Location, Percent Complete, Priority, Status, Trade, Cost Code, Cost Impact, Assigned & Related Resources, and Item Notes.
    2. Within the Item Issues section:
      1. Item Issues from the original Item will carry over unless modified or removed.
      2. Item Issues cannot be duplicated independently of the Punch List Item.
    3. Within the Attachments section: 
      1. Any attachments from the original Item will carry over by default, however Attachments can be added or removed during this step prior to finalizing item duplication.
      2. Attachments cannot be duplicated independently of the Item. 
  6. Click the blue "Duplicate" button in the bottom right corner of the window once you have finalized your Item's details.
    1. The duplicated Item will populate automatically on your Punch List. 


Construction companies can streamline their project tracking process by duplicating the standardized, repetitive tasks and sub-tasks they include on their punch lists. 

Individual Items can be independently duplicated on their original Punch List. Duplicating an Item also allows the user to duplicate the associated Item Issues & Attachments. 

Alternatively, if you wish to reuse a Project Punch List, users can duplicate entire lists including all Items, Issues, & Attachments.



  • Permissions: ConstructionOnline™ Company Users must have Punch List permissions set to "Can Create, Edit, & Delete" to edit and duplicate Items & Item Issues.
    • ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users with Punch List permissions enabled can duplicate Items for: 
      • Punch Lists in which they have been assigned an "Editor"
      • Items they have been attached to as an "Assigned Resource" 
  • Mobile App: Punch List Items can be duplicated exclusively via browser access to ConstructionOnline™.
    • Duplication of Items is not currently available via the ConstructionOnline™ Mobile App


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding Punch Lists can be found in the FAQ: Punch Lists article. 
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.