Managing Client Selections

Approve a Selection Choice for a Client

Speed up the selection sheet approval process by accepting a Selection Choice on behalf of a client.


As the industry-leading construction management software platform, ConstructionOnline™ offers intuitive solutions for construction pros to create, share, and track selection sheets. With Client Selections, pros can build & customize detailed selection sheets containing Categories, Selections, and Selection Choices for clients to browse and approve. To help streamline the selection approval process, ConstructionOnline™ Company Users may also use the option "Approve for Client" to approve the Selection Choice for the client.


  • Only Selection Choices marked as "Pending" may be approved by Company Users. 


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Financials tab, then choose the Client Selections category. 
  3. Scroll down to the Selection Details pane and locate the desired Selection Choice.
  4. Click the green "Approve for Client" button.

    Approve for Client Button
  5. After the approval window opens, select the blue Approve button to finalize your decision. 
    1. Once a Selection Choice is approved, any other Selection Choices for that Selection will disappear from view. The approved Selection Choice will also be highlighted in green.
    2. The other Selection Choices may be shown again if the Selection is reverted to "Unapproved" or by clicking the option "Show Rejected Choice(s)".


  • You can also find the "Approve for Client" option directly within the Edit Selection Choice window. 
    • Follow steps 1 - 3 as listed above.
    • Right-click on the desired Selection Choice card and select the option Edit Selection Choice
    • Click the green "Approve for Client" button.
    • After the approval window opens, select the blue Approve button to finalize your decision.


  • Once a Selection Choice is approved, ConstructionOnline will automatically add its price data and any overages to the Selections sheet of the Estimate. 
  • Company Users can present approved Selection Choices in the form of a professional, print-ready document by generating an Approved Choices Overview report.  
  • Any edits to the cost, tax, or markup of an approved Selection Choice will cause the Selection Choice to revert back to "Pending" and clients will be notified of the changes. 
  • Company Users can also approve Selection Choices in Project Templates and Opportunities
  • Permissions: Company Users must have permissions for Client Selections set as "Can Create, Edit, or Delete" in order to approve Selection Choices. 
  • ClientLink/TeamLink Access: ClientLink™ and TeamLink Users™ with permissions as "Can View Selections..." will be able to see approved Selection Choices. 
    • If a Selection was marked as "Not Visible to Clients", ClientLink Users will not be able to see the approved Selection Choice for that Selection. 
  • Mobile App: Company Users can also mark Selection Choices as "Approved" using the ConstructionOnline Mobile App. 


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Client Selections can be found in the article FAQ: Client Selections
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.