
Upload Estimates from ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline

Save your construction estimate from ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline with UDA's user-friendly export wizard to walk you through the steps.


SuiteLink™ is the connection between UDA's web-based platform, ConstructionOnline & UDA's desktop platform for Windows, ConstructionSuite. SuiteLink lets you easily share project documents, change orders, estimates, schedules, plans, and photos with your entire project team.


  • An active TotalCare membership is required to enable SuiteLink.
  • SuiteLink configuration must be completed before information can successfully be shared or synced between ConstructionSuite and ConstructionOnline.
  • Estimates and Change Orders can only be uploaded from ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline. 


  1. Within ConstructionSuite, open the desired Estimate
  2. Locate the File tab in the top navigation
  3. Click Save to ConstructionOnline

  4. The Save to ConstructionOnline wizard will pop-up
  5. Choose how you would like to send your Estimate to ConstructionOnline

    1. Save as PDF
      Saves estimate to Project Files in ConstructionOnline as a PDF document
    2. Save as read-only Excel file (97-2003 or 07-2013)
      Saves estimate to Project Files in ConstructionOnline as a read-only Excel document
    3. Export estimate to ConstructionOnline Estimating*
      *Recommended Best Practice
      Uploads estimate data from ConstructionSuite Estimate to ConstructionOnline Estimating module where you will be able to edit/update the estimate, create custom estimate proposals & financial reports, integrate Change Orders, Selections, Invoices, and more
  6. Click Save to confirm selected option
    1. If Export estimate to ConstructionOnline Estimating was selected, you will be prompted through steps for selected export options
      1. Step 1: Introduction to Estimate Export
      2. Step 2: Export Estimate Values
        ☑️Option here to Include Items with no value
      3. Step 3: Export Allowances 
        ☑️Option here to Include Allowances with Selections
      4. Step 4: Export Change Orders
        ☑️Option here to include Change Orders
      5. Step 5: View Excluded Subcategories & Items (Options)
        Click View Excluded Subcategories to see which Subcategories are classified as "Options" and will not be included in export
      6. Step 6: Finish Export
        Use "<Back" button here to change any selected upload preferences prior to completing the export of your estimate to ConstructionOnline or choose to "Cancel"
    2. When the upload is finished, a message will display to confirm the successful export of your estimate to ConstructionOnline. Login to your ConstructionOnline account to access the estimate online. 


      • Estimate not appearing in ConstructionOnline after uploading?
        Don't forget to refresh the page!
      • Uploading an Estimate will automatically link to the same Project in ConstructionOnline or create a new Project in ConstructionOnline.
      • If a Estimate is uploaded as a PDF or Excel file, it will automatically be saved into the Project Files section of the ConstructionOnline Project.


      • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about SuiteLink can be found in the article FAQ: SuiteLink
      • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.