
Overview: What is SuiteLink?

SuiteLink™ is the connection between UDA's web-based platform, ConstructionOnline & UDA's desktop platform for Windows, ConstructionSuite. 

SuiteLink lets you easily share project documents, change orders, estimates, schedules, plans, and photos with your entire project team.

  • Connect Your Team

    • Keeping office and field team members up-to-date with the latest information is important for every construction project. With SuiteLink, you can rest assured that everyone has access to the latest information they need.
  • Share Documents, Estimates, and Schedules

    • SuiteLink makes it simple to upload and share files, allowing you and your team to access them anywhere, anytime, from any computer with an internet connection. How does it work? Just upload your project files from ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline and invite anyone you decide to view, contribute, and comment on your shared project information.
  • Share Project Files & Photos

    • When your clients, coworkers, subcontractors and others visit your ConstructionOnline photo galleries, they can both see and contribute. Just upload photos from your computer or mobile device to ConstructionOnline and those files will become instantly available in ConstructionSuite!

Ready to get started? Set up your SuiteLink Configuration.


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about SuiteLink can be found in the article FAQ: SuiteLink
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA support page for additional options.