FAQ: SuiteLink, Connecting ConstructionSuite & ConstructionOnline
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  2. SuiteLink
  3. FAQ: SuiteLink, Connecting ConstructionSuite & ConstructionOnline

How can I upload a single Change Order?

As with Estimates, Change Orders can only be uploaded from ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline. Change Orders created in ConstructionOnline cannot be downloaded to ConstructionSuite or synced in any other way to the desktop program.

While you can upload an individual Change Order from ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline, keep in mind that Change Orders can - and should - be included in the overall export of the estimate to ConstructionOnline (Step 4 of 6). 

Click here for more frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding SuiteLink & Connecting ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline.