FAQ: Files & Photos

How can I restrict access to Project files?

There are several different options to restrict a Company User's access to Project files. 

  1. Limit permissions: ConstructionOnline allows you to customize permissions for each Company User within your Company Account. If you do not want a user to have access to files for a specific Project, or files in general, set their permissions for Files and Photos as "Cannot View". 
    1. If you want to limit their file permissions for specific Projects, visit this article
    2. If you want to limit their file permissions for all Projects, visit this article
  2. Special folder/album permissions: ConstructionOnline allows you to restrict a Company User's access to specific Project files, save the files within a folder or album, and add custom permissions to the folder/album. Folder/album permissions allow you to customize different levels of permissions for each folder/album and specific Company User, while still allowing the Company User general access to Files and Photos. 
  3. Make the folder/album private: ConstructionOnline also allows you to restrict access to specific files for everyone except you. To do this, save the desired files within a folder or album and set the folder/album as "Private". This will hide the folder and its contents from everyone but its creator. Step-by-step instructions for making a folder/album private can be found in this article

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