
Convert an Opportunity to a Project


To convert Opportunities to Projects in ConstructionOnline


Opportunities in ConstructionOnline are designed to provide construction pros the tools needed to prepare initial construction contracts, including File & Photo Management, Cloud-Based Takeoff, Construction Estimates, Proposals, & Client Selections. Once a contract is completed, the Opportunity is considered "Won" and can then be converted to a new Project in ConstructionOnline for full access to expanded construction project management features & functions. 


  • All paid ConstructionOnline™ subscriptions include unlimited Opportunities. 
    • An Opportunity is only counted towards an account's number of Project Starts when converted from an Opportunity to a Project. 
  • Opportunities can be converted to Projects, but Projects cannot be converted to Opportunities.


  1. Navigate to Opportunities within ConstructionOnline™ Sales Management via left sidebar navigation

  2. Right-click on the desired Opportunity to access Opportunity options via dropdown menu
  3. Select Convert to Project from the available dropdown menu

    1. Note: If there is a Related Lead associated to the Opportunity, ConstructionOnline™ will ask if you would like to invite the Lead to join the new Project as a ClientLink™ User
      Invite Lead to New Project as ClientLink User
    2. Choose whether to "Invite Now" or "Invite Later" to proceed with converting the Opportunity to a Project.
      1. When converting an Opportunity to a Project, the Project's Status is automatically set to "Live."
    3. A notification will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen confirming the successful creation of the new project. 

    4. Converted Projects populate to the Company Project List in ConstructionOnline™ - just like other newly created projects. However, Converted Projects can also be accessed from the Converted Projects tab within Opportunities. 

    5. From there, you can open the access the Project by right-clicking and choosing from options to "Edit Project" or "Go to Project Overview."



  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Opportunities can be found in the article FAQ: Opportunities
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA Support Page for additional options.