FAQ: SuiteLink, Connecting ConstructionSuite & ConstructionOnline
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  2. SuiteLink
  3. FAQ: SuiteLink, Connecting ConstructionSuite & ConstructionOnline

Why am I getting an "upload failed" message when uploading an Estimate, Schedule, or File from ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline?

Various factors could impact the success of data being transferred via the SuiteLink™ connection between ConstructionSuite and ConstructionOnline: 

  1. Make sure you have a stable internet connection. A poor or inactive internet connection may prevent ConstructionSuite and ConstructionOnline from communicating effectively and result in upload failure. 
  2. Check if you have any security software actively running on your computer. Firewalls and/or anti-virus software can block communication between ConstructionSuite and ConstructionOnline and may need to be disabled to allow for successful data transfer. 
  3. Verify there are no pending ConstructionSuite Updates that need to be completed for your license. If you have outstanding updates or upgrades that need to be processed, this can impact the functionality and performance of your ConstructionSuite installation. 
  4. SuiteLink is a benefit of UDA's TotalCare Services, so an active subscription to TotalCare is required for access to SuiteLink. You can check your TotalCare Status in ConstructionSuite from the Help Menu > About > TotalCare
    1. If you do have Active TotalCare, you will need to make sure that SuiteLink is enabled and configuration is completed to create the connection necessary for successful uploads between ConstructionSuite and ConstructionOnline. 
    2. Additionally, a paid subscription to ConstructionOnline is required for access to advanced construction management modules like Estimating and Scheduling. Confirm that your subscription to ConstructionOnline is active and that you can successfully login to your ConstructionOnline Account with the ConstructionOnline Credentials entered in your SuiteLink Configuration. 

Click here for more frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding SuiteLink & Connecting ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline.