Purchase Orders

Print a Purchase Order

Generate custom, professional, print-ready Purchase Order documents from ConstructionOnline™


As a powerful component of ConstructionOnline's OnCost™ Purchasing, construction companies have the ability to print custom, professional Purchase Order reports from their data stored in ConstructionOnline. With flexible print settings, teams can easily tailor the details of each Purchase Order report to meet their specific needs, whether that be record-keeping, team communication, or distribution to vendors. The ability to adjust what information is visible, determine how information is displayed, add default text, and insert headers and footers ensures printed Purchase Order reflect the necessary project information and enhance accuracy, organization, and accountability across the board.

This article contains the following sections: 

  1. Step-by-step instructions
  2. Video walkthrough
  3. Additional information


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar. 
  2. Select the Financials tab and choose the Purchasing category. 
  3. Within the Purchasing pane, locate the Purchase Order you wish to print.
  4. Right-click on the Purchase Order and select the "Print" option.
  5. Within the "Print Purchase Order" window, choose from the following details to customize the printed Purchase Order - 
    1. Within the Choose Purchase Order tab
      1. Select Project: Choose the Project that contains the Purchase Order you wish to print
        1. The current Project is selected by default. 
      2. Purchase Order: Select the individual Purchase Order you wish to print
        1. The Purchase Order selected in Step 4 is populated here automatically. 
      3. Display Columns: Specify what Purchase Order information you wish to show on the printed document by selecting the checkbox ☑️ next to the desired options 
        1. All columns display by default. 

          ☑️ Classification
          ☑️ Cost Code
          ☑️ Quantity 
          ☑️ Unit Cost 
          ☑️ Unit 
          ☑️ Total Cost 

      4. Report Options: Choose from other report customization options by selecting or deselecting the ☑️ checkbox beside the corresponding option. 
        1. All options are selected by default.

          ☑️ Show Subcategory Totals
          ☑️ Include Item Descriptions
          ☑️ Include Item Images

      5. Document Density: Adjust row density depending on the amount of information displayed or your preferences 

        🔵 Default - Standard Row Density
        ⚪ Comfortable - Row Density is increased
        ⚪ Compressed - Row Density is increased further 

    2. Within the Default Text tab
      1. Choose to insert any Default Text Block onto the Purchase Order. Select from Default Text Blocks already saved to the Company Account, or create new Default Text Blocks directly from within the Print Purchase Order modal.
        1. Upper Default Text: Text will appear above the main document content.
        2. Lower Default Text: Text will appear below the main document content. 
    3. Within the Header & Footer tab:
      1. Default Header & Footer Settings will apply for companies with Pro or Team Plans. 
      2. Companies with Business or Enterprise Plans can choose to apply custom Header & Footer sets to the document.
        1. Headers & Footers are managed at the Company level. 
        2. To manage Header & Footer sets, click on the Manage Header & Footer Sets hyperlinked text.
  6. Finalize the details of the printed Purchase Order by clicking the blue "Print" button.
    1. The Purchase Order will open in a new browser tab for you to Share (via email), Save (to ConstructionOnline Files), Download (as PDF), Edit (in built-in text editor), or Print.



  • Subscription Level: ConstructionOnline's Purchasing module is available for companies with current ConstructionOnline subscriptions at the Team, Business, and Enterprise levels.
  • Permissions: ConstructionOnline Company Users must have Purchase Orders, Bills, and Payments permissions set to "Can Create & Edit" or "Can Create, Edit, & Delete" to print Purchase Orders.
    • Purchase Orders, Bills, & Payments permissions are set and managed at the Company level. For more information on editing Company-Level permissions, visit this FAQ.
  • ClientLink™/TeamLink™ Access: ClientLink and TeamLink Users do not have access to the Purchasing feature via the Project Portal.
  • CO™ Mobile App: The Purchasing feature is exclusively available via browser access to ConstructionOnline. 
    • The Purchasing feature cannot be accessed through the CO™ Mobile App.


  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA Support Page for additional options.