FAQ: Redline Planroom

Is there a way I can keep my original sheet without the markup?

Yes! Any markups you add are always added on top of the original sheet. The original sheet can be retained by choosing to printshare, or download the original sheet without any markup or annotations.

Additionally, you can use layers to add markup to your plans. Layers allow you to stack different markups on top of each other, without altering the original sheet or any previous markups.

To add a new layer to a sheet, expand the Layers menu found in the lower-right corner of Redline Planroom. Click the (+) Add New Markup Layer button, then enter a name for the new layer. This will help you distinguish between the different layers and your original sheet. Make sure the new layer is selected, then begin adding your desired markup.

To view the original sheet without any markup, simply mark the eye icon next to each layer with markup you wish to hide. Click the eye icon again to show the markup once more.

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