Managing Change Orders

Export Change Orders to Excel

Quickly export existing construction change orders from ConstructionOnline™ to Excel


ConstructionOnline's powerful change order management software provides construction companies with integrated tools that streamline the creation and management of construction change orders. For ultimate flexibility regarding the management of change orders, ConstructionOnline™ also provides options for exporting change orders to Excel—making it easy for ConstructionOnline Company Users to share & update data as needed. Company Users may choose to export change orders for future imports to ConstructionOnline or generate report-style Excel files for additional company records. 

This article contains the following sections:

  1. Video walkthrough
  2. Step-by-step instructions
  3. Alternative access point
  4. Additional information





  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Financials tab, then select the Change Orders category.
  3. In either the Change Orders Overview OR Change Order Details pane, click the grey three dot menu
  4. Select the option Export Change Orders

    export change orders option
  5. Choose the desired Export format:
    1. Include Total Rows: this option creates a report-style Excel file.  
    2. Export for Importing: this option generates a properly formatted Excel file that can be re-imported into ConstructionOnline. 
  6. Click the blue Export button to initialize the export of the Change Orders. 
    1. The Excel file will automatically download to your device.
    2. By default, the file is saved as "Project Name" - Change Orders.


Change Orders can also be exported from the Import Change Orders modal. 

  • Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  • Select the Financials tab, then select the Change Orders category. 
  • In either the Change Orders Overview OR Change Order Details pane, click the grey three dot menu
  • Select the option Import Change Orders.
  • Click the Export to Excel button. 

    secondary export to excel button
  • Follow steps 5 and 6 as listed above. 


  • Selecting the option to export Change Orders will export ALL Change Orders from the selected Project.
  • The exported Excel file will contain each Change Order Name, Number, Description, Creation Date, Approval Due Date, Cost, Client Price, Approval Status, Approved By, Assigned Resource(s), Type, Change Reason, Added Workdays, Date Ordered, Date Expected, Date Delivered, and Order/Delivery Status. 
  • Any Change Order attachments will not be included in the exported Excel file and must be individually downloaded from ConstructionOnline. 
  • Permissions: To export Change Orders to Excel, Company Users must have permissions for Change Orders set as "Can Create, Edit, & Delete" or "Can View". 
    • EXCEPTION: If a Company User has permissions for Change Orders set as "Cannot View" but was assigned as a resource to a Change Order, they can export the Change Order(s) they were assigned to. 
  • ClientLink/TeamLink Access: ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users cannot export Change Orders to Excel. 
  • Mobile App: Change Order Export is only accessible via browser access to ConstructionOnline. Change Orders cannot be exported using the CO™ Mobile App. 


  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Change Orders can be found in the article FAQ: Change Orders
  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA Support Page for additional options.