FAQ: SuiteLink, Connecting ConstructionSuite & ConstructionOnline
  1. ConstructionOnline Knowledge Base
  2. SuiteLink
  3. FAQ: SuiteLink, Connecting ConstructionSuite & ConstructionOnline

Why isn't a Contact from ConstructionSuite showing up in ConstructionOnline?

  1. Make sure SuiteLink is enabled in ConstructionSuite. 
  2. Check to see if the SuiteLink Contact Sync is turned on. 
  3. Verify that the Contact has the required Contact Details completed:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Display Name
    4. Email Address
      Must be a unique email address, not already associated with any Contact listed in ConstructionOnline.

Click here for more frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding SuiteLink & Connecting ConstructionSuite to ConstructionOnline.