FAQ: Company Employee Permissions

What are Company Employee Permissions?

Company Employee Permissions in ConstructionOnline determine the level of visibility and control that Company Employees are allowed to have within the Company Account. They do so by establishing what ConstructionOnline features the Company Employee can access AND the level of access they are permitted to have for each feature. 

Each Company Employee is assigned their own set of customized Company Employee Permissions during initial contact creation, making Company Employee Permissions unique for every Company Employee within the Company Account. The permissions set during initial contact creation will act as the default permissions set for any future Company Projects the employee is added to. However, these permissions can be adjusted on a project-by-project basis when the Company Employee is added to a Project or at any time from their Project-Level Permissions

Please note that if permissions were not set during the initial contact creation of the Company Employee, the Company Employee will not have access to any features within the Company Account as the default permissions for newly created Company Employees are "Cannot View". 

Click here for more frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding Company Employee Permissions.