
Mark a Bill as Ready for Payment

Track payment progress by noting which Bills in OnCost™ Purchasing are ready for payment


As the industry's leading provider of construction management software, ConstructionOnline™ offers construction teams easy-to-use, cloud-based tools for managing their financial transactions. In order to ensure companies can clearly indicate which Bills are prepared for settlement, and empower companies with the tools needed to efficiently track outstanding payments, ConstructionOnline requires Bills be marked as "Ready for Payment" before Payments can be applied. This can be done during the creation of a Bill, or at any point after creation through the methods listed below. 

This article contains the following sections: 

  1. Step-by-step instructions
  2. Next actions
  3. Additional information 


  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar. 
  2. Select the Financials tab and choose the Purchasing category. 
  3. Click the Bills tab, and then locate the "Active" Bill you are ready to mark as Payment 
  4. Using one of the following methods, mark the Bill as "Ready for Payment" -

    Please note Bills must be "Active" in order to be marked as "Ready for Payment".
    1. The Dynamic Table 
      1. Locate the "Ready for Payment" column on the dynamic table, then click into the Bill's cell and choose "Yes" from the dropdown menu to mark the Bill as ready to be paid. 

    2. The Blade Extension 
      1. Right-click in the Bill you wish to update, and select "Edit" from the dropdown menu. Within the Bill's blade extension, utilize the Timeline (which opens by default) to mark the Bill as "Ready for Payment", or navigate to the Details tab, locate the "Ready for Payment" field, and select "Yes" from the field's dropdown menu. 
      2. Once, you have marked the Bill as ready to be paid, click the blue "Save" button. 


Once a Bill has been marked as "Ready for Payment", Company Users can begin to log any number of full or partial Payments towards the Bill's total amount. To learn more about recording Payments in ConstructionOnline, visit this following articles: 

Please note that the recommended OnCost Purchasing workflow encourages the creation of Bills and Payments from existing Purchase Orders for seamless financial management. Any number of Bills may be linked to the Purchase Order from which a Payment is generated, depending on your company's use of the system. However, recording a Payment directly from the Purchase Order will not automatically update any of the linked Bill's Payment Statuses—it must be manually updated.

If you have a Bill attached to your Purchase Order and would like to ensure both the Purchase Order and Bill are updated with the Payment information created, the Payment must be created from the Bill


  • The "Ready for Payment" status of a Bill can be updated or reverted at any point.
    • If you choose to revert the "Ready for Payment" status to "No" for a Bill with Payments applied, you will be prompted to confirm that the existing Payment(s) will be unlinked from the Bill.

  • Bills can be grouped by the "Ready for Payment" status in the Group By View.

  • Subscription Level: ConstructionOnline's Purchasing module is available for companies with current ConstructionOnline subscriptions at the Team, Business, and Enterprise levels.
  • Permissions: ConstructionOnline Company Users must have Purchase Orders, Bills, and Payments permissions set to "Can Create & Edit" or "Can Create, Edit & Delete" to mark Bills as Ready for Payment.
    • Purchase Orders, Bills, & Payments permissions are set and managed at the Company level. For more information on editing Company-Level permissions, visit this FAQ.
  • ClientLink™/TeamLink™ Access: ClientLink and TeamLink Users do not have access to the Purchasing feature via the Project Portal.
  • CO™ Mobile App: The Purchasing feature is exclusively available via browser access to ConstructionOnline. 
    • The Purchasing feature cannot be accessed through the CO™ Mobile App.


  • If you need additional assistance, chat with a Specialist by clicking the orange Chat icon located in the bottom left corner or visit the UDA Support Page for additional options.