FAQ: Items Database & Costbooks

How can I create an Assembly?

Assemblies can be created in ConstructionOnline using the following instructions: 

  1. Navigate to the Company Dropdown Menu located in the top right corner of ConstructionOnline. 
  2. Within the Financial Settings category, choose "Company Costbooks". 
  3. From the Costbooks pane, open the Costbook you'd like to add the new Assembly to.
  4. Once you've drilled into the desired Costbook, navigate to the Assemblies view in the top right-hand corner of the pane. 
  5. Click the (+) Add Assembly button
    1. If you'd like to organize the Assembly within a Folder, create a new Folder first, or drill down into a specific Folder by clicking on & opening the relevant Folder(s). 
  6. Within the Add Costbook Assembly window, choose from the following options: 
    1. Choose the Assembly Type - This affects how the assembly can be used in estimating and/or takeoff. 
      1. Standard Assembly - This assembly type can contain costbook items with varying units of measure. Recommended for estimating use only. 
      2. Takeoff Compatible - This assembly type can only contain costbook items with units of measure compatible with the assembly unit of measure. Recommended for takeoffs and estimating. 
    2. Build Assembly Details & Costbook Items 
      1. Assembly Name - Customize the Name of your assembled Costbook Items
      2. Description - Add any additional Assembly details in this text field
      3. Unit of Measure - Choose the Unit of Measure to give to the Assembly 
        1. By default, the Unit of Measure is set to "Each". However, ConstructionOnline provides the following options for Unit of Measure: None, Each, ln. ft., sq. ft., cu. ft., cu. yards, ln. m., sq. m., cu. m. 
      4. Takeoff Measurement Type - The options that populate within this dropdown are dependent on the Unit of Measure selected 
      5. Assembly Costbook Items
        1. Main Assembly Items - Costbook Items added to this table will be included in takeoff measurements and inserted into estimates. Items in this section must be compatible with the assembly's takeoff measurement type. 
          1. New Costbook Item(s) can be added to the Assembly by clicking the green "Add Costbook Item" button and then clicking the (+) "Add Item" button appearing at the bottom of the Costbook's content. To learn more about the details that can be included as a part of Costbook Items, visit this FAQ
          2. Existing Costbook Item(s) can be added to the Assembly by clicking the green "Add Costbook Item" button, drilling into any Folder(s) (if applicable), and clicking on the existing Costbook Item(s) you wish to add to the Assembly. 
          3. Once you have made your selections, click the blue "Add Item" button. All selected Costbook Items will populate within the "Main Assembly Items" table. Costbook Items can be edited from the table by clicking the Item Name to open the "Edit Costbook Item" window. They can also be removed from the table by clicking the red ❌ next to the Item Name. 
        2. Special Case Assembly Items (Optional) - Costbook Items added to this table will be excluded from takeoff measurements and used in estimates. Items in this section do not have to be compatible with the assembly's takeoff measurement type. 
          1. Special Case Assembly Items can be added the same way Main Assembly Items are added (following the steps above). 
        3. Please note that ConstructionOnline provides the Assembly's Total Cost within a green label in the top right of the Assembly Costbook Items. Additionally, companies with Multi-Family subscription levels can choose to show and edit the Quantity Multiplier column by marking the checkbox next to ☑️ Show Quantity Multiplier. 
      6. Once you have finalized your Assembly's Details & Costbook Items, click the blue "Next Step" button
    3. Add Assembly Notes - Attach any additional Notes to the Assembly
  7. Once you've finalized the details of your new Assembly, click the blue "Create" button
    1. Upon completion, the new Assembly will appear in its respective Costbook. 

New Assemblies can also be added within OnCost Estimates and Redline Takeoff!


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