FAQ: System Requirements

What should I do if I'm experiencing trouble running ConstructionOnline?

If you are experiencing trouble running ConstructionOnline, use the following steps to troubleshoot and identify the cause - 

  1. Verify you have a strong, stable internet connection (200-300 Mbsp download speed). 
  2. Ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of one of ConstructionOnline's recommended browsers
  3. Refresh your internet browser. 
  4. Restart your internet browser. 
  5. Clear your internet browser's history, cache, and cookies.
  6. Log out of ConstructionOnline, and then log back in to ConstructionOnline. 
  7. Switch to a different ConstructionOnline recommended browser than you are currently using.
  8. Restart your personal computer box.
  9. Repeat Steps 1-8. 

In the rare instance that you are still experiencing trouble running ConstructionOnline after following through these steps at least two timescontact our Support Team for additional assistance. Be sure to indicate exactly which steps you’ve already tried so that we can better assist you.

Click here for more frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding system requirements for ConstructionOnline & the CO™ Mobile App.