FAQ: Items Database & Costbooks

Can I update the price of a Costbook Item while working in my Estimate?

You can! Costbook Items that have been inserted into an OnCost Estimate can be updated within the Estimate by using the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to the desired Project via the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select the Financials tab to automatically open the Estimating category.
  3. Within any Category Sheet, find the Costbook Item you wish to edit the details of.
  4. Right-click on the Costbook Item and select "Item Details" from the dropdown menu. 
  5. Within the "Edit Item Details for this Estimate" window, make any necessary updates to the Item. 
  6. Once you have finalized your updates, mark the checkbox next to ☑️ Apply changes made here to the original costbook item. Neglecting to mark this checkbox will only save your updates to the current Estimate, not the Costbook Item. 
    1. Please note that if this Item is being used in another Estimate, any changes to the Item's Details will not appear until the "Refresh Item Costs" button is pressed within the Estimate Sidebar > Costbook Options of that Estimate.
  7. After ensuring you've marked the checkbox next to the ☑️ Apply changes made here to the original costbook item option, click the blue "Save" button
    1. Upon completion, your updates will be reflected within the current Estimate and with your Company Costbooks. 

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