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What are the differences between Messages, Announcements, Inbound Emails, and Envoy™ Chat in ConstructionOnline?
ConstructionOnline provides several different communication tools you can use to disseminate and discuss critical project information with your project team:
📨 Messages: ConstructionOnline Project Messages were designed to eliminate the frustrations that come with using your email inbox or text messages to conduct communication about your projects. With ConstructionOnline Messages, you can organize conversations—which are limited to your ConstructionOnline Contacts only—based on the Project they are relevant to so that you don't have to worry about keeping files sorted in a drawer, reading page after page of emails to find one thread, or searching through your phone for certain conversations. ConstructionOnline keeps all project discussions in one place so they can be easily referenced with intuitive search and filter options.
🔊 Announcements: ConstructionOnline Announcements make it easy to ensure your team is always up to speed by allowing you to share important information with your entire team. Think of Announcements like an online sticky-note—a way for you to post critical information company-wide or for a specific Project that your team can view, but not respond to.
📫 Inbound Emails: ConstructionOnline's Inbound Email tool provides each of your Projects in ConstructionOnline with a dedicated email address you can use to receive external emails straight into ConstructionOnline. By managing external emails and documents with your ConstructionOnline Inbound Email, you'll be able to have organized, searchable, and filterable historical records of your project correspondence safely stored in one place, not buried amongst other emails and documents. Additionally, you can control inbound access by designating approved senders and setting permissions for your employees—eliminating junk mail and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
💬 Envoy™ Chat: ConstructionOnline's Envoy Chat tool is an internal chat tool that allows your team to instantly send messages, attach files, and keep accurate records of communication all within ConstructionOnline. You can easily send messages to your team members individually or as a group through both browser access to ConstructionOnline and the CO™ Mobile App. Additionally, you can send direct links to ConstructionOnline features so that your team can maintain clear communication and easy access to your project information.