FAQ: ClientLink

How do I set up my ClientLink account?

You will receive an email invitation from your builder, which will allow you to join the project and set up your ClientLink account. The email invitation will contain a link to their Company Portal, as well as the temporary password for your account. 

  1. Open the email, then click the blue "View Project" button. 
  2. Within the login screen, enter your email address and temporary password. Make sure to use the email address that the invitation was sent to. 
  3. Click the green "Login" button. 
  4. Once logged in, you'll land on your project's "Overview" page. Here, you'll be able to see the latest project updates and activity, or you can navigate to different project areas using the navigation tabs at the top. 

Do not attempt to create a ClientLink account from the main ConstructionOnline login page! You must use your builder's email invitation to set up your ClientLink account. 

Click here for more frequently asked questions (FAQs) by ClientLink Users.