FAQ: ConstructionOnline API

I want to create a report that is not currently offered in ConstructionOnline. Can I use the API to accomplish this?

ConstructionOnline provides companies with over 150 custom-branded construction reports for financials, scheduling, time tracking, and more. However, if your company needs supplementary reports that are not currently offered by ConstructionOnline, you can use the ConstructionOnline API and a custom-reporting software such as Crystal Reports to create your own custom reports! Alternatively, data can be extracted using the ConstructionOnline API, which can then be used to manually build the report within a spreadsheet or document. 

More information on the ConstructionOnline API can be found in the API DocumentationPlease note: API access is only available for companies with Business or Enterprise level subscriptions.

Click here for more frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the ConstructionOnline API.