Get Multiple Custom Values

Returns a record of all custom value entries configured for your ConstructionOnline company account


In ConstructionOnline, custom values are fields that can be customized for each company to best fit their specific needs. Custom values can be found throughout the many different features of ConstructionOnline and are denoted by a gear icon ⚙️ beside the field heading. There are 42 different types of custom values, such as Trade, Project Stage, Key Roles, and Project Type.

Each type of custom value can include multiple entries, or specific options for that field. For example, the custom value type "Trade" may contain entries such as HVAC, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing. While some custom values are preloaded with default options, each custom value type can be completely customized by adding or removing specific entries.

Many of ConstructionOnline's API endpoints for other features will reference the custom values returned from this request. If you need to reference multiple types of custom values, this call can be used to return all entries for all custom value types. We recommend storing the entries in a collection or data table so they can be easily referenced in the future.


Example requests in cURL, C#, Python, and JavaScript can be found below:


# replace {email} with the email address for your ConstructionOnline account
# {password} with your ConstructionOnline password
# {apikey} with your provided API key

curl -u {email}:{password} -H 'APIKey:{apikey}'


/* replace {username} with the email address for your ConstructionOnline account
           {password} with your ConstructionOnline password
         {apikey} with the API key you were provided with */

public string GetData(string endpoint) {
  string username = "{username}";
  string password = "{password}";
  string apikey = "{apikey}";
  HttpResponseMessage response = null;
  HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler() { AutomaticDecompression = System.Net.DecompressionMethods.GZip };
    using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler)) {
        client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30);
        client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", 
            System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes(username + ":" + password)));
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("APIKey", apikey);
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
        response = client.GetAsync(endpoint).Result;
    return response?.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;


#replace {username} with the email address for your ConstructionOnline account
#{password} with your ConstructionOnline password
#{apikey} with the API key you were provided with

import base64, requests, json
apikey = "{apikey}"
username = "{username}"
password = "{password}"
def makeRequest(endpoint):
    url = "" + endpoint
    userPass = username + ":" + password    
    headers = {
        "APIKey": apikey,
        "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
        "Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(userPass.encode()).decode(),
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    return json.dumps(json.loads(response.text), indent=2)   

#Main Program 


/* replace {username} with the email address for your ConstructionOnline account
{password} with your ConstructionOnline password
{apikey} with the API key you were provided with */

username = '{username}';
password = '{password}';
apikey = '{apikey}';
function makeRequest(endpoint) {
    auth = btoa('${username}:${password}');
    var myHeaders = new Headers();
    myHeaders.append("APIKey", apikey);
    myHeaders.append("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br");
    myHeaders.append("Authorization", "Basic ${auth}");
    var requestOptions = {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: myHeaders,
        redirect: 'follow'
    fetch("" + endpoint, requestOptions)
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(result => console.log(result))
        .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
    return response;

Custom Values

Each custom value type is represented by a specific number, as depicted in the table below.

# Custom Value Type Description
1 RESOURCE_TYPE Contact group options for contacts, such as "Vendor" or "Engineer". Used with Contacts.
2 EQUIPMENT_CATEGORY Categories that a material/piece of equipment may fall under, such as "General Requirements" or "Concrete". Used with Daily Logging.
3 UNIT Units of measure for financial items. Used with Estimating, Selections, and Change Orders.
4 PROJECT_TYPE Project types, such as "Single-family Residential" or "Remodeling". Used with Projects.
5 PUNCH_STATUS Status options for Punch List Items, such as "Work in Progress" or "In Dispute". Used with Punch Lists. 
6 SCHEDULE_STATUS Status options for Schedules, such as "Paused" or "Running". Used with Scheduling.
7 PROJECT_STAGE Stages of a Project, such as "Pre-bid" or "Approved". Used with Projects.
8 SUBMITTAL_TYPE Submittal types, such as "Product Information". Used with Submittals. 
9 TRADE Trade/area of work options, such as "HVAC" or "Electrical". Used with almost all features in ConstructionOnline. 
10 TODO_STAGE To Do Stage options, such as "Closed" or "Planning". Used with To Dos. 
11 TODO_TYPE Types of To Dos, such as "Task" or "Follow Up". Used with To Dos. 
12 TODO_CATEGORY To Do category options, such as "Closeout" or "Design". Used with To Dos.
13 CORDER_TYPE Types of Change Orders, such as "Allowance" or "Sub Scope Change". Used with Change Orders. 
14 CORDER_REASON Reasons for Change Orders, such as "Add Materials" or "Client Request". Used with Change Orders. 
15 LEAD_WON_REASON Reasons why a Lead was won, such as "ICP". Used with Leads.
16 LEAD_LOST_REASON Reasons why a Lead was lost, such as "Budget" or "Non-ICP". Used with Leads.
17 PROJECT_GROUP Types of Project Groups, such as the name of a subdivision. Used with Projects.
18 PROJECT_CATEGORY Project Categories, such as "New Build" or "Remodel". Used with Projects.
19 PROJECT_OFFICE Office location options, such as "Atlanta" or "Dallas". Used with Projects.
20 PROJECT_DIVISION Division options, such as "Residential" or "Commercial". Used with Projects and Contacts.
21 PROJECT_REGION Region options, such as "Southeast" or "Northeast". Used with Projects and Contacts.
22 ACTIVITY_TYPE Types of Lead Events, such as "Callback" or "Meeting". Used with Lead Tracking.
23 CALENDAR_TYPE Types of Calendar Events, such as "Appointment" or "Inspection". Used with Calendars.
24 SCHEDULE_TYPE Types of Schedule Tasks, such as "Administrative" or "Closeout". Used with Scheduling. 
26 CONTACT_CATEGORY Contact category options, such as "Owner". Used with Contacts.
27 OPPORTUNITY_STAGE Opportunity stage options, such as "Prospecting" or "Qualification". Used with Opportunities. 
28 OPPORTUNITY_TYPE Types of Opportunities, such as "New Business" or "Existing Business". Used with Opportunities. 
29 OPPORTUNITY_SOURCE Source options for Opportunities, such as "Social Media" or "Email Marketing". Used with Opportunities.
30 OPPORTUNITY_WON_REASON Reasons why an Opportunity was won. Used with Opportunities.
31 OPPORTUNITY_LOST_REASON Reasons why an Opportunity was lost, such as "Budget". Used with Opportunities.
32 REDLINE_TAGS Redline Sheet tag options, such as "Electrical" or "Plumbing". Used with Redline Planroom and Redline Takeoff.
33 CHECK_STATUS Status options for Checklist Items, such as "Work in Progress" or "In Dispute". Used with Checklists. 
36 INCIDENT_TYPE Types of incidents for Safety Logs, such as "Accident" or "Safety Violation". Used with Daily Logs.
37 KEY_ROLE Key Role options for Project team members, such as "Contractor" or "Builder". Used with Projects when assigning Key Roles to Contacts.
38 ORDER_STATUS Order/delivery status options for approved Selection Choices, such as "In Transit" or "Delayed". Used with Client Selections.
39 CO_DELIVERY_STATUS Order/delivery status options for approved Change Orders, such as "In Transit" or "Delayed". Used with Change Orders.
40 MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_TYPE Types of Message Templates, such as "Initial Setup" or "Overdue". Used with Messages.
41 LABOR_TYPE Labor type options for Companies, such as "Union" or "Non-Union". Used with Companies.
42 TAGS Tag options for Companies, such as "Commercial" or "Residential". Used with Companies. 
43 JOB_TITLE Specific job titles for Contacts, such as "Site Foreman" or "Project Manager". Used with Contacts.


green 200: Success

A successful request will return a 200 response with a collection of all custom value entries in the body, as seen below:


        "ID": 250,
        "TYPE": 2,
        "TITLE": "General Requirements",
        "COMPANY_ID": 0,
        "REPLACE_ID": null,
        "IS_DEFAULT": true,
        "IMAGE_ID": null
        "ID": 251,
        "TYPE": 2,
        "TITLE": "Site Construction",
        "COMPANY_ID": 0,
        "REPLACE_ID": null,
        "IS_DEFAULT": true,
        "IMAGE_ID": null
        "ID": 266,
        "TYPE": 3,
        "TITLE": "Each",
        "COMPANY_ID": 0,
        "REPLACE_ID": null,
        "IS_DEFAULT": true,
        "IMAGE_ID": null
        "ID": 267,
        "TYPE": 3,
        "TITLE": "Day",
        "COMPANY_ID": 0,
        "REPLACE_ID": null,
        "IS_DEFAULT": true,
        "IMAGE_ID": null
Name Type Description
 ID  integer Unique identifier for each object, which corresponds to a specific custom value entry. Other ConstructionOnline API endpoints that return custom values will return the ID that represents a custom value entry—not the name of the entry itself.
 TYPE  integer Enumeration of the custom value type.
 TITLE  string Name of the custom value entry.
COMPANY_ID integer Company ID of the user who created the custom value entry.
REPLACE_ID integer

ID of the previous custom value entry that the current entry replaced, either from a deletion or update.

IS_DEFAULT boolean Indicates if the custom value is a default value for the custom value type.
IMAGE_ID integer ID of the image associated with the custom value entry.

red 404: Error

The server was not able to locate the resource specified in the request. 

red 429: Error

The user has surpassed the request rate limit for the hour, day, week, or month.

red 500: Error

There was an internal server error and the server was unable to complete the request.


Last updated: Dec 7, 2023